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Our rules are designed to support the most engaging, competitive, and fun style of football out there!

Select your division


Pro A

Very Competitive


Pro B

Engaging & Competitive


Pro C

Fun & engaging

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Engaging, FUN, & Competitive



Engaging, Fun & Competitive

Ska'moog Note:  You are playing in a recreational FLAG football league (not a tackle league). Player safety and player conduct is the highest concern of Ska’moog’s staff and its officials. It will not be taken lightly. By definition, you are playing in a situation that is very difficult to officiate and to devise rules for. As a player, you must realize this, and the one thing you can control is your sportsmanship and your team’s sportsmanship. You cannot, as a player, do something that is unsportsmanlike. This even includes legal activities; for example, a hard block with 7 seconds to go in a 30 point win to a player who is caught off guard is completely legal but unsportsmanlike and would be grounds for ejection. Any unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the field of play can be an ejection even if the referees do not see the play (Ska’moog Staff, or videotape).

Rules: This is a 5v5 flag football specific rule book giving exemptions to regular football rules. If a football rule is not in this rule book, then the event director will make a rules determination.  Depending on the situation, Ska’moog officials may elect to change a rule during the season and will update this rulebook accordingly. 


Playing Age: Players must be 18 years of age or over to play.  In certain situations, Ska’moog may approve other players outside of this requirement based on our professional judgment. 


Uniforms: Players must wear their Ska’moog issued team jerseys.  Cleats---only molded or rubber screw-in cleats or any flat-soled shoes are allowed. No metal or metal-tipped cleats allowed. You will be ejected from the game for wearing those types of cleats.


Rosters and Waivers: Every player is required to sign a waiver before they play in each event. Teams are required to have 6 players and there is no limit on your rooster size.    

Coin Toss: At the coin toss in the center of the field, the visiting Team Captain will be given the privilege of calling the coin toss prior to flip. The winner of the toss will be given his choice of defense, offense, designating the end of the field at which the ball will be put in play, or may defer his choice to the second half. The loser will have his choice of the remaining options.

Forfeited Games: If your team fails to show up within 15 minutes of your game time, the game may be declared as a forfeit (at the discretion of a Ska’moog Official). The non-forfeited team will receive a 21-0 victory.  If a team forfeits twice in a season, they will be removed from the schedule with no refunds.


Overtime rules – similar to college football, each team will have one down to score.  A team may select to go for 1pt from the 2.5 yd line or 2pt from the 5 yd line.  Both teams will have a chance to score.  If the game is tied after the first sequence, the teams reverse who was on offense first.  After the 2nd sequence if there is no winner, teams must go for 2 pts until a winner is decided. 

MERCY RULE: There is no “mercy rule” enforced. Everyone has paid to play and points do make a difference for postseason.


Regular Season Tournament Format:

·         Each team plays two regular season games for playoff seeding.  Tie-breaker is head-to-head (if applicable) followed by points against and then margin of victory.  All teams make playoffs (guaranteed min of three games).

·         Single Elimination Playoff (no reseeding each round)

·         Playoffs – higher seed calls the coin toss.  No rule changes

·        Championship – one rule change.  Second half the clock stops under two minutes for incompletions, offensive penalties, and players going out of bounds. 


Tournament of Champions Format

·         Double Elimination Tournament. 

·         Teams are seeded by their end of season power ranking

·         There is no set number of invites for each division.  Ska’moog will announce the # of teams that will be invited for each division this fall. 

·         Expected tournament date is at the end of November

Overarching Rules

Applicable to all divisions

Co-Ed Rule Book


Players/Substitutions - Gameplay is 5 on 5. A team may play with 4. Teams without 4 players on the field at the start of the game forfeit that game. Substitutions may be made any time in between downs, but players substituting must come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage before becoming eligible players.


Field Dimensions - Fields are approx. 25 x 60 yards with 7.5 yard endzones included (note subject to change based on location).

Timing of Game - 15 minutes per half with a running clock. 2 minute halftime. Clock only stops for (a) timeouts; and (b) delay of game penalties. Each team has 2 timeouts per regular season game and 4 timeouts in the playoffs).

Beginning of Play - 20 second play clock will start upon the ref places the football at the line of scrimmage. The offense must allow the ball to rest for 1 seconds and then snap.  Ball may be snapped between legs or side snapped to initiate the play.  Delay of Game/Failure to Rest results in a 5 yard penalty.

Scoring - Teams have 5 downs to score. There are no first downs, except by certain penalties. TDs are 6 pts and the team will have the option to got for 1pt or 2pt conversions from the 2.5 and 5 yd line respectively.  The clock will continue to run.


* You must have two guys and girls on the field during each play.

* Girl TDs are 8 pts (if a girl throws, catches, or runs the score), guy TDs are 6 pts. 

* You must have 2 girl plays every 5 downs (on 4th or 5th down if the team does not meet the girl play requirement the ball is turned over at the line of scrimmage).  A lateral backwards does not count as a girl play.  To quality the girl must throw, catch, or run the ball (a pass attempt to a girl counts).

Advancing the Ball - A catch is control of the ball + 2 feet in bounds. Only one forward pass per down, from behind the line of scrimmage. Handoffs are legal. Fumbles are dead at the spot of the fumble and the offense retains possession.

Down by Contact - The spot where: (a) a player is deflagged; (b) a player is out of bounds; (c) a player's knee or forearm touches the ground; and (d) a player is two-hand touched if flag is lost without contact from another player.  The spot is the location of the players hips when deflagged, not the location of the football.

Field Position - The offense starts with the ball at its own 5 yard line. There are safeties - 2 pts and the offense will be placed at the 5 yd line.

"Punting" on 5th Down - A choice to punt on 5th down places the ball at the opponent's own 5 yard line 

Offsides/Illegal Shift - Whenever a player crosses the line of scrimmage or rusher crosses the rush line of scrimmage (3 yards off the ball) before the snap, offsides will be called. All players may shift before the center lines up (i.e., hands on the ball to snap).  Once the center is positioned, pre-snap lateral motion is allowed (only one player may be moving).  If two players are in motion or there is forward motion, illegal shift will be called on the offense.   There is no requirement for players to be lined up on the line of scrimmage.  If a team elects to have a full-house backfield, it is legal (motion and shifting rules apply). 

Open Hand Contact is allowed (but you cannot block/use force) - Open hands can contact an opponent inside their body frame.  There is no pushing or exerting force on the other player.  Open-hand contact is restricted to the line of scrimmage (no downfield blocking).  There is no bump and run coverage allowed. 

Charging: All ball carriers must make an attempt to avoid contact with the defense.  An offensive player may not lower their shoulder, or attempt to “bull” through a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin, jump or juke, but must realize that while spinning or juking he is in a "State of Non-Control" and should contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, the defensive player may not be penalized. Two players to one spot at same time will not result in a penalty. The ball carrier may jump over a player on the ground. Players can jump forward to advance the ball so long as the player does not create contact with the opponent.


Pass Interference/Illegal Contact - No contact may be made that interferes with a receiver unless that contact is part of a bona-fide attempt to reach, catch, or bat a passed ball. Face guarding is illegal


Offensive Penalties – Co-Ed


5 Yards, Replay of Down

- Delay of Game - Called whenever the ball is not hiked within 25 seconds of the line of scrimmage cone being placed on the ground.

- Offsides - Called when an offensive player crosses the line of scrimmage while the ball has not been snapped.  Play will be stopped and the penalty assessed immediately after the call is made.

- Illegal Forward Motion/Illegal Shift - Called whenever an offensive player is moving forward (towards the line of scrimmage) or when multiple players are in motion when the center is in snapping position (i.e., hands on the football). 

- Illegal Participation - Called any time an offensive team has more than 6 players on the field or a substituting offensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

- Illegal Contact - Called whenever a receiver uses a stiff arm, holds, or pushes a defender to gain an advantage.

- Illegal Blocking - 5 yards from the spot of the foul, unless during a block behind the line of scrimmage. Called whenever a blocker : (a) uses their hands or arms to block; (b) intentionally initiates contact with a rushing defender; (c) sets a moving screen downfield; or (d) sets a blindside screen without giving the defender a chance to react to the screen.


Other Offensive Penalties

- Flag Guarding - 5 yards penalty from spot of foul, loss of downs (play dead on the call). Called whenever an offensive player with the ball uses any part of their arm to shield a defender from grabbing their flag. Only incidental contact during the running motion will be allowed and not called flag guarding. A penalty will be called even if the attempt at flag guarding is unsuccessful.

- Illegal Forward Pass - 5 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. Called whenever an offensive player moves his/her full body across the line of scrimmage and throws a forward pass. A bona fide attempt at a lateral that accidentally results in a forward pass will be assessed as a fumble, and will not be penalized as an illegal forward pass.

- Offensive Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and loss of downs. The penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with defensive player making a play the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

- Intentional Grounding - 10 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a quarterback fails to throw the ball: (a) past the line of scrimmage; or (b) within 5 yards of a receiver


Defensive Penalties – Co-Ed

- Offsides - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defender crosses the line of scrimmage or rush line of scrimmage (3 yards off the ball) while the ball has not been snapped. The defensive player's movement does not have to "draw" an offensive player across the line of scrimmage to be called a penalty. Play will be stopped immediately and penalty will be assessed.

- Illegal Participation - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defensive team has more than 5 players on the field or a defensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

- Delay of Game - 5 yard penalty and a reset of the game clock. This penalty will be called whenever a defensive player (whether on the field or not) intentionally slows the offensive team's ability to get to the line of scrimmage.

- Illegal Contact - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: pushing, holding, tripping, or blocking a running lane. Called on any pass rushers who make illegal contact with a blocker, and/or any defenders downfield who make illegal contact with a receiver.  If the penalty occurs past the line of scrimmage on the ball carrier, the offense will have the option to count the play and add the 5 yards or take the 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and replay the down.

- Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with an offensive player making a play on the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

- Roughing the Passer - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a rusher makes aggressive physical contact after the quarterback has released the ball.

Ejection Penalties – Co-Ed

- Unnecessary Roughness - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: tackling, shoving, punching, kicking, elbowing, etc. Violent and/or extremely dangerous unnecessary roughness will result in ejection of a player from the game or the tournament.

- Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player (whether on the field or not) demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior (taunting, language, etc.). A player who continues to demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct will be ejected from the game and possibly from the tournament.

- Dangerous Equipment – 10 - yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player is found to be wearing: (a) metal or high cleats; (b) loose fitting jewelry; and/or (c) excessively baggy clothes.

***Ejection from the game or tournament is at the referee's discretion.

Co-Rec Division
Pro A Division

Womens Rule Book


Players/Substitutions - Gameplay is 5 on 5. A team may play with 4. Teams without 4 players on the field at the start of the game forfeit that game. Substitutions may be made any time in between downs, but players substituting must come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage before becoming eligible players.


Field Dimensions - Fields are approx. 25 x 60 yards with 7.5 yard endzones included (note subject to change based on location).

Timing of Game - 15 minutes per half with a running clock. 2 minute halftime. Clock only stops for (a) timeouts; and (b) delay of game penalties. Each team has 2 timeouts per regular season game and 4 timeouts in the playoffs).

Beginning of Play - 20 second play clock will start upon the ref places the football at the line of scrimmage. The offense must allow the ball to rest for 1 seconds and then snap.  Ball may be snapped between legs or side snapped to initiate the play.  Delay of Game/Failure to Rest results in a 5 yard penalty.

Scoring - Teams have 5 downs to score. There are no first downs. TDs are 6 pts and the team will have the option to got for 1pt or 2pt conversions from the 2.5 and 5 yd line respectively.  The clock will continue to run.

Advancing the Ball - A catch is control of the ball + 2 feet in bounds. Only one forward pass per down, from behind the line of scrimmage. Handoffs are legal. Fumbles are dead at the spot of the fumble and the offense retains possession.

Down by Contact - The spot where: (a) a player is deflagged; (b) a player is out of bounds; (c) a player's knee or forearm touches the ground; and (d) a player is two-hand touched if flag is lost without contact from another player.  The spot is the location of the players hips when deflagged, not the location of the football.

Field Position - The offense starts with the ball at its own 5 yard line. There are safeties - 2 pts and the offense will be placed at the 5 yd line.

"Punting" on 5th Down - A choice to punt on 5th down places the ball at the opponent's own 5 yard line 

Live Rush - Ska'moog football is designed to be fast, engaging, and competitive.  The defense lines up on a 3 yard rush line and on the snap of the ball, the rush is live and the defense may rush none of their players or all of their players.  Conversely, the QB rush is live on all plays and the offense may keep players in to block (all players are eligible to block and receive passes).  The rush/block rules are discussed further below.

Offsides/Illegal Shift - Whenever a player crosses the rush line of scrimmage (3 yards off the ball) before the snap, offsides will be called. All players may shift before the center lines up (i.e., hands on the ball to snap).  Once the center is positioned, pre-snap lateral motion is allowed (only one player may be moving).  If two players are in motion or there is forward motion, illegal shift will be called on the offense.   There is no requirement for players to be lined up on the line of scrimmage.  If a team elects to have a full-house backfield, it is legal (motion and shifting rules apply). 

Open Hand Contact is allowed (no bull rushing) - Open hands can contact an opponent inside their body frame.  There is no pushing or exerting force on the other player (i.e., bull rushing).  Open-hand contact is restricted to the line of scrimmage (no downfield blocking).  There is no bump and run coverage allowed. 

Charging: All ball carriers must make an attempt to avoid contact with the defense.  An offensive player may not lower their shoulder, or attempt to “bull” through a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin, jump or juke, but must realize that while spinning or juking he is in a "State of Non-Control" and should contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, the defensive player may not be penalized. Two players to one spot at same time will not result in a penalty. The ball carrier may jump over a player on the ground. Players can jump forward to advance the ball so long as the player does not create contact with the opponent.


Pass Interference/Illegal Contact - No contact may be made that interferes with a receiver unless that contact is part of a bona-fide attempt to reach, catch, or bat a passed ball. Face guarding is illegal


Offensive Penalties


5 Yards, Replay of Down

- Delay of Game - Called whenever the ball is not hiked within 25 seconds of the line of scrimmage cone being placed on the ground.

- Offsides - Called when an offensive player crosses the line of scrimmage while the ball has not been snapped.  Play will be stopped and the penalty assessed immediately after the call is made.

- Illegal Forward Motion/Illegal Shift - Called whenever an offensive player is moving forward (towards the line of scrimmage) or when multiple players are in motion when the center is in snapping position (i.e., hands on the football). 

- Illegal Participation - Called any time an offensive team has more than 6 players on the field or a substituting offensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

- Illegal Contact - Called whenever a receiver uses a stiff arm, holds, or pushes a defender to gain an advantage.

- Illegal Blocking - 5 yards from the spot of the foul, unless during a block behind the line of scrimmage. Called whenever a blocker : (a) uses their hands or arms to block; (b) intentionally initiates contact with a rushing defender; (c) sets a moving screen downfield; or (d) sets a blindside screen without giving the defender a chance to react to the screen.


Other Offensive Penalties

- Flag Guarding - 5 yards penalty from spot of foul, loss of downs (play dead on the call). Called whenever an offensive player with the ball uses any part of their arm to shield a defender from grabbing their flag. Only incidental contact during the running motion will be allowed and not called flag guarding. A penalty will be called even if the attempt at flag guarding is unsuccessful.

- Illegal Forward Pass - 5 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. Called whenever an offensive player moves his/her full body across the line of scrimmage and throws a forward pass. A bona fide attempt at a lateral that accidentally results in a forward pass will be assessed as a fumble, and will not be penalized as an illegal forward pass.

- Offensive Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and loss of downs. The penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with defensive player making a play the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

- Intentional Grounding - 10 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a quarterback fails to throw the ball: (a) past the line of scrimmage; or (b) within 5 yards of a receiver


Defensive Penalties

- Offsides - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defender crosses the line of scrimmage or rush line of scrimmage (3 yards off the ball) while the ball has not been snapped. The defensive player's movement does not have to "draw" an offensive player across the line of scrimmage to be called a penalty. Play will be stopped immediately and penalty will be assessed.

- Illegal Participation - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defensive team has more than 5 players on the field or a defensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

- Delay of Game - 5 yard penalty and a reset of the game clock. This penalty will be called whenever a defensive player (whether on the field or not) intentionally slows the offensive team's ability to get to the line of scrimmage.

- Illegal Contact - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: pushing, holding, tripping, or blocking a running lane. Called on any pass rushers who make illegal contact with a blocker, and/or any defenders downfield who make illegal contact with a receiver.  If the penalty occurs past the line of scrimmage on the ball carrier, the offense will have the option to count the play and add the 5 yards or take the 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and replay the down.

- Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with an offensive player making a play on the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

- Roughing the Passer - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a rusher makes aggressive physical contact after the quarterback has released the ball.

Ejection Penalties

- Unnecessary Roughness - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: tackling, shoving, punching, kicking, elbowing, etc. Violent and/or extremely dangerous unnecessary roughness will result in ejection of a player from the game or the tournament.

- Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player (whether on the field or not) demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior (taunting, language, etc.). A player who continues to demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct will be ejected from the game and possibly from the tournament.

- Dangerous Equipment – 10 - yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player is found to be wearing: (a) metal or high cleats; (b) loose fitting jewelry; and/or (c) excessively baggy clothes.

***Ejection from the game or tournament is at the referee's discretion.

Pro A Rule Book



Players/Substitutions - Gameplay is 5 on 5. A team may play with 4. Teams without 4 players on the field at the start of the game forfeit that game. Substitutions may be made any time in between downs, but players substituting must come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage before becoming eligible players.


Field Dimensions - Fields are approx. 25 x 60 yards with 7.5 yard endzones included (note subject to change based on location).

Timing of Game - 15 minutes per half with a running clock. 2 minute halftime. Clock only stops for (a) timeouts; and (b) delay of game penalties. Each team has 2 Timeouts per regular season game and 4 Timeouts per game in the playoffs.

Beginning of Play - 20 second play clock will start upon the ref places the football at the line of scrimmage. The offense must allow the ball to rest for 1 seconds and then snap.  Ball may be snapped between legs or side snapped to initiate the play.  Delay of Game/Failure to Rest results in a 5 yard penalty.

Scoring - Teams have 5 downs to score. There are no first downs, except by certain penalties. TDs are 6 pts and the team will have the option to got for 1pt or 2pt conversions from the 2.5 and 5 yd line respectively.  The clock will continue to run.

Advancing the Ball - A catch is control of the ball + 2 feet in bounds. Only one forward pass per down, from behind the line of scrimmage. Handoffs are legal. Fumbles are dead at the spot of the fumble and the offense retains possession.

Down by Contact - The spot where: (a) a player is deflagged; (b) a player is out of bounds; (c) a player's knee or forearm touches the ground; and (d) a player is two-hand touched if flag is lost without contact from another player.  The spot is the location of the players hips when deflagged, not the location of the football.

Field Position - The offense starts with the ball at its own 5 yard line. There are safeties - 2 pts and the offense will start at the 5 yd line

"Punting" on 5th Down - A choice to punt on 5th down places the ball at the opponent’s 5 yd line

Offsides/Illegal Shift - Whenever a player crosses the line of scrimmage before the snap, offsides will be called. All players may shift before the center lines up (i.e., hands on the ball to snap).  Once the center is positioned, pre-snap lateral motion is allowed (only one player may be moving).  If two players are in motion or there is forward motion, illegal shift will be called on the offense.   There is no requirement for players to be lined up on the line of scrimmage.  If a team elects to have a full-house backfield, it is legal (motion and shifting rules apply). 

Open Hand Blocking/Rushing - During a legal block, contact can be made with OPEN HANDS ONLY. Open hands can contact an opponent inside their body frame. As the play develops, a blocker is permitted to work for and maintain position on an opponent as long as they do not push from behind or clip. Open-hand blocking is allowed on all portions of the field and is not restricted to the line of scrimmage. Two-on-one blocking is allowed. A player may not initiate their block with anything other then an open-hand block, i.e. dipping their shoulder to block is not permitted. If a player is found to have initiated contact with anything other than an openhand block, they are subject to an unsportsmanlike penalty and suspension by Ska’moog. Suspensions may be enforced if seen by event officials even if the game officials didn’t call a penalty. Once contact has been made at no time may a blocker close his/her fist or grab an opponent’s jersey even if it is inside the shoulders.  There is no bump and run coverage allowed. 

Charging - All ball carriers must make an attempt to avoid contact with the defense.  An offensive player may not lower their shoulder, or attempt to “bull” through a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin, jump or juke, but must realize that while spinning or juking he is in a "State of Non-Control" and should contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, the defensive player may not be penalized. Two players to one spot at same time will not result in a penalty. The ball carrier may jump over a player on the ground. Players can jump forward to advance the ball so long as the player does not create contact with the opponent.


Pass Interference/Illegal Contact - No contact may be made that interferes with a receiver unless that contact is part of a bona-fide attempt to reach, catch, or bat a passed ball. Face guarding is illegal

Offensive Penalties - Pro A

5 Yards, Replay of Down

Delay of Game - Called whenever the ball is not hiked within 20 seconds of the line of scrimmage cone being placed on the ground.

Offsides - Called when an offensive player crosses the line of scrimmage while the ball has not been snapped.  Play will be stopped and the penalty assessed immediately after the call is made.

Illegal Forward Motion/Illegal Shift - Called whenever an offensive player is moving forward (towards the line of scrimmage) or when multiple players are in motion when the center is in snapping position (i.e., hands on the football). 

Illegal Participation - Called any time an offensive team has more than 6 players on the field or a substituting offensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

Illegal Contact - Called whenever a receiver uses a stiff arm, holds, or pushes a defender to gain an advantage. NOTE – spot foul if occurs downfield

Holding/Illegal Blocking – This occurs when a player grabs the clothing or personage of another player from the opposing team. An offensive player may not have a close fist while blocking. An offensive player may not grab a defensive player’s jersey inside the shoulders.  A offensive player may not thrust forward hands into a defender. NOTE – spot foul if occurs downfield


Other Offensive Penalties

Flag Guarding - 5 yards penalty from spot of foul, loss of downs (play dead on the call). Called whenever an offensive player with the ball uses any part of their arm to shield a defender from grabbing their flag. Only incidental contact during the running motion will be allowed and not called flag guarding. A penalty will be called even if the attempt at flag guarding is unsuccessful.

Illegal Forward Pass - 5 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. Called whenever an offensive player moves his/her full body across the line of scrimmage and throws a forward pass. A bona fide attempt at a lateral that accidentally results in a forward pass will be assessed as a fumble, and will not be penalized as an illegal forward pass.

Offensive Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and loss of downs. The penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with defensive player making a play the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

Intentional Grounding - 10 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a quarterback fails to throw the ball: (a) past the line of scrimmage; or (b) within 5 yards of a receiver

Defensive Penalties - Pro

Offsides - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defender crosses the line of scrimmage while the ball has not been snapped. The defensive player's movement does not have to "draw" an offensive player across the line of scrimmage to be called a penalty. Note – if the offensive player snaps the ball before the play is blown dead by the officials, the play will transpire and the offense will have the option to take the result of the play or the 5 yard penalty. 

Illegal Participation - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defensive team has more than 5 players on the field or a defensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

Delay of Game - 5 yard penalty and a reset of the game clock. This penalty will be called whenever a defensive player (whether on the field or not) intentionally slows the offensive team's ability to get to the line of scrimmage.

Illegal Contact/Holding - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: pushing, holding, tripping, or blocking a running lane. Called on any pass rushers who make illegal contact with a blocker, and/or any defenders downfield who make illegal contact with a receiver.  If the penalty occurs past the line of scrimmage on the ball carrier, the offense will have the option to count the play and add the 5 yards or take the 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and replay the down.

Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with an offensive player making a play on the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

Roughing the Passer - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a rusher makes aggressive physical contact after the quarterback has released the ball.

Ejection Penalties - Pro

Unnecessary Roughness - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: tackling, shoving, punching, kicking, elbowing, etc. Violent and/or extremely dangerous unnecessary roughness will result in ejection of a player from the game or the tournament.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player (whether on the field or not) demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior (taunting, language, etc.). A player who continues to demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct will be ejected from the game and possibly from the tournament.

Dangerous Equipment – 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player is found to be wearing: (a) metal or high cleats; (b) loose fitting jewelry; and/or (c) excessively baggy clothes.

***Ejection from the game or tournament is at the referee's discretion.

Pro B

Pro B Rule Book

Fun and Semi Competitive


Players/Substitutions - Gameplay is 5 on 5. A team may play with 4. Teams without 4 players on the field at the start of the game forfeit that game. Substitutions may be made any time in between downs, but players substituting must come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage before becoming eligible players.


Field Dimensions - Fields are approx. 25 x 60 yards with 7.5 yard endzones included (note subject to change based on location).

Timing of Game - 15 minutes per half with a running clock. 2 minute halftime. Clock only stops for (a) timeouts; and (b) delay of game penalties. Each team has 4 timeouts per game.

Beginning of Play - 20 second play clock will start upon the ref places the football at the line of scrimmage. The offense must allow the ball to rest for 1 seconds and then snap.  Ball may be snapped between legs or side snapped to initiate the play.  Delay of Game/Failure to Rest results in a 5 yard penalty.

Scoring - Teams have 5 downs to score. There are no first downs, except by certain penalties. TDs are 6 pts and the team will have the option to got for 1pt or 2pt conversions from the 2.5 and 5 yd line respectively.  The clock will continue to run.

Advancing the Ball - A catch is control of the ball + 2 feet in bounds. Only one forward pass per down, from behind the line of scrimmage. Handoffs are legal. Fumbles are dead at the spot of the fumble and the offense retains possession.

Down by Contact - The spot where: (a) a player is deflagged; (b) a player is out of bounds; (c) a player's knee or forearm touches the ground; and (d) a player is two-hand touched if flag is lost without contact from another player.  The spot is the location of the players hips when deflagged, not the location of the football.

Field Position - The offense starts with the ball at its own 5 yard line. There are safeties - 2 pts and the offense will start at the 5 yd line

"Punting" on 5th Down - A choice to punt on 5th down places the ball at the opponent’s 5 yd line

Offsides/Illegal Shift - Whenever a player crosses the line of scrimmage or rusher crosses the rush line of scrimmage (1 yard off the ball) before the snap, offsides will be called. All players may shift before the center lines up (i.e., hands on the ball to snap).  Once the center is positioned, pre-snap lateral motion is allowed (only one player may be moving).  If two players are in motion or there is forward motion, illegal shift will be called on the offense.   There is no requirement for players to be lined up on the line of scrimmage.  If a team elects to have a full-house backfield, it is legal (motion and shifting rules apply). 

Open Hand Blocking/Rushing - During a legal block, contact can be made with OPEN HANDS ONLY. Open hands can contact an opponent inside their body frame. As the play develops, a blocker is permitted to work for and maintain position on an opponent as long as they do not push from behind or clip. Open-hand blocking is allowed on all portions of the field and is not restricted to the line of scrimmage. Two-on-one blocking is allowed. A player may not initiate their block with anything other then an open-hand block, i.e. dipping their shoulder to block is not permitted. If a player is found to have initiated contact with anything other than an openhand block, they are subject to an unsportsmanlike penalty and suspension by Ska’moog. Suspensions may be enforced if seen by event officials even if the game officials didn’t call a penalty. Once contact has been made at no time may a blocker close his/her fist or grab an opponent’s jersey even if it is inside the shoulders.  There is bump and run coverage allowed (within 5 yards). 

Charging - All ball carriers must make an attempt to avoid contact with the defense.  An offensive player may not lower their shoulder, or attempt to “bull” through a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin, jump or juke, but must realize that while spinning or juking he is in a "State of Non-Control" and should contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, the defensive player may not be penalized. Two players to one spot at same time will not result in a penalty. The ball carrier may jump over a player on the ground. Players can jump forward to advance the ball so long as the player does not create contact with the opponent.


Pass Interference/Illegal Contact - No contact may be made that interferes with a receiver unless that contact is part of a bona-fide attempt to reach, catch, or bat a passed ball. Face guarding is illegal

Offensive Penalties - Pro

5 Yards, Replay of Down

Delay of Game - Called whenever the ball is not hiked within 20 seconds of the line of scrimmage cone being placed on the ground.

Offsides - Called when an offensive player crosses the line of scrimmage while the ball has not been snapped.  Play will be stopped and the penalty assessed immediately after the call is made.

Illegal Forward Motion/Illegal Shift - Called whenever an offensive player is moving forward (towards the line of scrimmage) or when multiple players are in motion when the center is in snapping position (i.e., hands on the football). 

Illegal Participation - Called any time an offensive team has more than 6 players on the field or a substituting offensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

Illegal Contact - Called whenever a receiver uses a stiff arm, holds, or pushes a defender to gain an advantage. NOTE – spot foul if occurs downfield

Holding/Illegal Blocking – This occurs when a player grabs the clothing or personage of another player from the opposing team. An offensive player may not have a close fist while blocking. An offensive player may not grab a defensive player’s jersey inside the shoulders.  A offensive player may not thrust forward hands into a defender. NOTE – spot foul if occurs downfield


Other Offensive Penalties

Flag Guarding - 5 yards penalty from spot of foul, loss of downs (play dead on the call). Called whenever an offensive player with the ball uses any part of their arm to shield a defender from grabbing their flag. Only incidental contact during the running motion will be allowed and not called flag guarding. A penalty will be called even if the attempt at flag guarding is unsuccessful.

Illegal Forward Pass - 5 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. Called whenever an offensive player moves his/her full body across the line of scrimmage and throws a forward pass. A bona fide attempt at a lateral that accidentally results in a forward pass will be assessed as a fumble, and will not be penalized as an illegal forward pass.

Offensive Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and loss of downs. The penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with defensive player making a play the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

Intentional Grounding - 10 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a quarterback fails to throw the ball: (a) past the line of scrimmage; or (b) within 5 yards of a receiver

Defensive Penalties - Pro

Offsides - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defender crosses the line of scrimmage or rush line of scrimmage (1 yard off the ball) while the ball has not been snapped. The defensive player's movement does not have to "draw" an offensive player across the line of scrimmage to be called a penalty. Note – if the offensive player snaps the ball before the play is blown dead by the officials, the play will transpire and the offense will have the option to take the result of the play or the 5 yard penalty. 

Illegal Participation - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defensive team has more than 5 players on the field or a defensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

Delay of Game - 5 yard penalty and a reset of the game clock. This penalty will be called whenever a defensive player (whether on the field or not) intentionally slows the offensive team's ability to get to the line of scrimmage.

Illegal Contact/Holding - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: pushing, holding, tripping, or blocking a running lane. Called on any pass rushers who make illegal contact with a blocker, and/or any defenders downfield who make illegal contact with a receiver.  If the penalty occurs past the line of scrimmage on the ball carrier, the offense will have the option to count the play and add the 5 yards or take the 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and replay the down.

Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with an offensive player making a play on the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

Roughing the Passer - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a rusher makes aggressive physical contact after the quarterback has released the ball.

Ejection Penalties - Pro

Unnecessary Roughness - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: tackling, shoving, punching, kicking, elbowing, etc. Violent and/or extremely dangerous unnecessary roughness will result in ejection of a player from the game or the tournament.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player (whether on the field or not) demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior (taunting, language, etc.). A player who continues to demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct will be ejected from the game and possibly from the tournament.

Dangerous Equipment – 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player is found to be wearing: (a) metal or high cleats; (b) loose fitting jewelry; and/or (c) excessively baggy clothes.

***Ejection from the game or tournament is at the referee's discretion.

Pro C Rule Book

FUN!  Never stop playing in convenient PRO C events!


Players/Substitutions - Gameplay is 5 on 5. A team may play with 4. Teams without 4 players on the field at the start of the game forfeit that game. Substitutions may be made any time in between downs, but players substituting must come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage before becoming eligible players.


Field Dimensions - Fields are approx. 25 x 60 yards with 7.5 yard endzones included (note subject to change based on location).

Timing of Game - 15 minutes per half with a running clock. 2 minute halftime. Clock only stops for (a) timeouts; and (b) delay of game penalties. Each team has 4 timeouts per game.

Beginning of Play - 20 second play clock will start upon the ref places the football at the line of scrimmage. The offense must allow the ball to rest for 1 seconds and then snap.  Ball may be snapped between legs or side snapped to initiate the play.  Delay of Game/Failure to Rest results in a 5 yard penalty.

Scoring - Teams have 5 downs to score. There are no first downs, except by certain penalties. TDs are 6 pts and the team will have the option to got for 1pt or 2pt conversions from the 2.5 and 5 yd line respectively.  The clock will continue to run.

Advancing the Ball - A catch is control of the ball + 2 feet in bounds. Only one forward pass per down, from behind the line of scrimmage. Handoffs are legal. Fumbles are dead at the spot of the fumble and the offense retains possession.

Down by Contact - The spot where: (a) a player is deflagged; (b) a player is out of bounds; (c) a player's knee or forearm touches the ground; and (d) a player is two-hand touched if flag is lost without contact from another player.  The spot is the location of the players hips when deflagged, not the location of the football.

Field Position - The offense starts with the ball at its own 5 yard line. There are safeties - 2 pts and the offense will start at the 5 yd line

"Punting" on 5th Down - A choice to punt on 5th down places the ball at the opponent’s 5 yd line

Offsides/Illegal Shift - Whenever a player crosses the line of scrimmage or rusher crosses the rush line of scrimmage (3 yards off the ball) before the snap, offsides will be called. All players may shift before the center lines up (i.e., hands on the ball to snap).  Once the center is positioned, pre-snap lateral motion is allowed (only one player may be moving).  If two players are in motion or there is forward motion, illegal shift will be called on the offense.   There is no requirement for players to be lined up on the line of scrimmage.  If a team elects to have a full-house backfield, it is legal (motion and shifting rules apply). 

Open Hand Blocking/Rushing - During a legal block, contact can be made with OPEN HANDS ONLY. Open hands can contact an opponent inside their body frame. As the play develops, a blocker is permitted to work for and maintain position on an opponent as long as they do not push from behind or clip. Open-hand blocking is allowed on all portions of the field and is not restricted to the line of scrimmage. Two-on-one blocking is allowed. A player may not initiate their block with anything other then an open-hand block, i.e. dipping their shoulder to block is not permitted. If a player is found to have initiated contact with anything other than an openhand block, they are subject to an unsportsmanlike penalty and suspension by Ska’moog. Suspensions may be enforced if seen by event officials even if the game officials didn’t call a penalty. Once contact has been made at no time may a blocker close his/her fist or grab an opponent’s jersey even if it is inside the shoulders.  There is no bump and run coverage allowed. 

Charging - All ball carriers must make an attempt to avoid contact with the defense.  An offensive player may not lower their shoulder, or attempt to “bull” through a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin, jump or juke, but must realize that while spinning or juking he is in a "State of Non-Control" and should contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, the defensive player may not be penalized. Two players to one spot at same time will not result in a penalty. The ball carrier may jump over a player on the ground. Players can jump forward to advance the ball so long as the player does not create contact with the opponent.


Pass Interference/Illegal Contact - No contact may be made that interferes with a receiver unless that contact is part of a bona-fide attempt to reach, catch, or bat a passed ball. Face guarding is illegal

Offensive Penalties - Pro

5 Yards, Replay of Down

Delay of Game - Called whenever the ball is not hiked within 20 seconds of the line of scrimmage cone being placed on the ground.

Offsides - Called when an offensive player crosses the line of scrimmage while the ball has not been snapped.  Play will be stopped and the penalty assessed immediately after the call is made.

Illegal Forward Motion/Illegal Shift - Called whenever an offensive player is moving forward (towards the line of scrimmage) or when multiple players are in motion when the center is in snapping position (i.e., hands on the football). 

Illegal Participation - Called any time an offensive team has more than 6 players on the field or a substituting offensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

Illegal Contact - Called whenever a receiver uses a stiff arm, holds, or pushes a defender to gain an advantage. NOTE – spot foul if occurs downfield

Holding/Illegal Blocking – This occurs when a player grabs the clothing or personage of another player from the opposing team. An offensive player may not have a close fist while blocking. An offensive player may not grab a defensive player’s jersey inside the shoulders.  A offensive player may not thrust forward hands into a defender. NOTE – spot foul if occurs downfield


Other Offensive Penalties

Flag Guarding - 5 yards penalty from spot of foul, loss of downs (play dead on the call). Called whenever an offensive player with the ball uses any part of their arm to shield a defender from grabbing their flag. Only incidental contact during the running motion will be allowed and not called flag guarding. A penalty will be called even if the attempt at flag guarding is unsuccessful.

Illegal Forward Pass - 5 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. Called whenever an offensive player moves his/her full body across the line of scrimmage and throws a forward pass. A bona fide attempt at a lateral that accidentally results in a forward pass will be assessed as a fumble, and will not be penalized as an illegal forward pass.

Offensive Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and loss of downs. The penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with defensive player making a play the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

Intentional Grounding - 10 yard penalty from the previous spot and loss of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a quarterback fails to throw the ball: (a) past the line of scrimmage; or (b) within 5 yards of a receiver

Defensive Penalties - Pro

Offsides - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defender crosses the line of scrimmage or rush line of scrimmage (3 yards off the ball) while the ball has not been snapped. The defensive player's movement does not have to "draw" an offensive player across the line of scrimmage to be called a penalty. Note – if the offensive player snaps the ball before the play is blown dead by the officials, the play will transpire and the offense will have the option to take the result of the play or the 5 yard penalty. 

Illegal Participation - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called any time a defensive team has more than 5 players on the field or a defensive player does not come within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage cone and by doing so gains an unfair advantage.

Delay of Game - 5 yard penalty and a reset of the game clock. This penalty will be called whenever a defensive player (whether on the field or not) intentionally slows the offensive team's ability to get to the line of scrimmage.

Illegal Contact/Holding - 5 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: pushing, holding, tripping, or blocking a running lane. Called on any pass rushers who make illegal contact with a blocker, and/or any defenders downfield who make illegal contact with a receiver.  If the penalty occurs past the line of scrimmage on the ball carrier, the offense will have the option to count the play and add the 5 yards or take the 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and replay the down.

Pass Interference - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever any contact is made with an offensive player making a play on the ball. This does not include incidental contact while making a bona fide attempt to catch, bat, or tip the ball.

Roughing the Passer - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This penalty will be called whenever a rusher makes aggressive physical contact after the quarterback has released the ball.

Ejection Penalties - Pro

Unnecessary Roughness - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. This includes: tackling, shoving, punching, kicking, elbowing, etc. Violent and/or extremely dangerous unnecessary roughness will result in ejection of a player from the game or the tournament.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player (whether on the field or not) demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior (taunting, language, etc.). A player who continues to demonstrate unsportsmanlike conduct will be ejected from the game and possibly from the tournament.

Dangerous Equipment – 10 yard penalty and replay of downs. Called whenever a player is found to be wearing: (a) metal or high cleats; (b) loose fitting jewelry; and/or (c) excessively baggy clothes.

***Ejection from the game or tournament is at the referee's discretion.

Pro C
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