Ska'moog Referee Notes
Summary checklist for Ska'moog Refs on gameday
Head Referee
How do we provide a great experience to our players?
Great Organization & Communication
Know the schedule
Explain the tournament format to all teams (two round robin games followed by single elim playoff)
ASK teams to be READY (ask teams to be ready at halftime)
Ask teams to set up near your field so you can provide them better service
Set up playoff bracket and track each game
Setup bracket and communicate to all teams seeding
NEW – know how the schedule works and avoid LONG waits for team
NEW – SOLVE problems (scheduling or player issues => we empower you to serve the players best want)
Be knowledgeable about the rules (no exception)
ENGAGEMENT – bring 10 LEVEL energy to the field (does anyone really want to be a 5? No, players want 10’s)
Build relationships with players (get to KNOW them) => we are a community and we WELCOME all players
ALL TEAMS & Players matter => give some insights to struggling teams and help teams to be better. Help all PLAYERS and work to provide all of them with the best experience
Be honest and fair, help promote games with last second TDs and not 40-0 victories
Performance Bonus
Individual =>
We care so much about GREAT player service that we have bonuses for great, not good performance
Head Ref Bonus - $50 potential
Must be on time for Ref Meeting
Check all the boxes above
Provide exceptional Service
Head/Back Ref Team Engagement/Service Bonus
$100 to each ref (only one ref team wins)
SIMPLE – whichever head ref has the most teams return for the next event earns the BONUS
Ska’moog Head Referee Checklist
Message from Ska’moog – we take great pride in providing all of our players with the best sports service/experiences. You, as a Ska’moog referee, are critical in delivering exceptional service and we as well as our players truly appreciate all that do.
____ Be on time and well dressed (LOOK like a PRO)
____ Review rules and set up back ref
____ Inspect Field set up
____ WELCOME teams to Ska’moog Community/provide overview of tournament format/and BRING 10 Energy to your field (no one wants a 5 ref – so be a 10)
____ TAKE TEAM PHOTOS (2 photos per team)
____ NEW PLAYER Counts (to ENSURE fair play for all teams – perform roster counts and check player jerseys each game)
____ Make sure back REF takes STATS & is organized
____ Set up playoff bracket & communicate to teams
____ Be locked in especially in playoffs
____ Thank all TEAMS for coming out
____ All Team Photos and Stat Sheets submitted (photos to
____ What did you do today to provide your players the best football EXPERIENCE (see the email below – this is our WHY)
Welcoming EACH TEAM to the Family
Welcome Teams & thank them for coming out!
Introduce Both Refs
Confirm all teams have registered, signed waiver and let them know they need to be in Ska'moog gear, player counts
Explain Tournament Format (explain Schedule)
2 Round Robin Games then referees will seed playoff
ALL teams make the playoffs (single elimination)
So, if you are new to Ska’moog don’t be worried about losing your first or second game
Tiebreakers are W/Ls, head to head, and then pts against (no incentive to run up the score on anyone)
Let them know we want ENERGY and more playing (so please be ready for your games and sit near the field)
Ska’moog is a PLAYERS first organization so please let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve your experience
Back Referee
How do we provide a great experience to our players?
Great Organization & Communication
Know the schedule
Explain the tournament format to all teams (two round robin games followed by single elim playoff)
ASK teams to be READY (ask teams to be ready at halftime)
Ask teams to set up near your field so you can provide them better service
Set up playoff bracket and track each game
Setup bracket and communicate to all teams seeding
Be knowledgeable about the rules (no exception)
ENGAGEMENT – bring 10 LEVEL energy to the field (does anyone really want to be a 5? No, players want 10’s)
Build relationships with players (get to KNOW them) => we are a community and we WELCOME all players
ALL TEAMS & Players matter => give some insights to struggling teams and help teams to be better. Help all PLAYERS and work to provide all of them with the best experience
Be honest and fair, help promote games with last second TDs and not 40-0 victories
Be likeable
Performance Bonus
Individual =>
We care so much about GREAT player service that we have bonuses for great, not good performance
Back Ref Bonus - $20 potential
Must be on time for Ref Meeting
Check all the boxes above
Provide exceptional Service
Head/Back Ref Team Engagement/Service Bonus
$50 to back ref (only one ref team wins)
Field that has the MOST teams return for next tournament
Ska’moog Back Referee Checklist
Message from Ska’moog – we take great pride in providing all of our players with the best sports service/experiences. You, as a Ska’moog referee, are critical in delivering exceptional service and we as well as our players truly appreciate all that do.
____ Be on time and well dressed (LOOK like a PRO)
____ Review rules and preferences with head ref
____ Inspect Field set up
____ TAKE TEAM PHOTOS (2 photos per team)
____ NEW PLAYER Counts (to ENSURE fair play for all teams – perform roster counts and check player jerseys each game)
____ Take clear STATS sheets & number all sheets
____ Provide scores to head ref after every game for seeding
____ Be in position for each CALL & then take stats
____ Turn in numbered stat sheets at end of event
____ ALL TEAM PHOTOS emailed to (no more than 2 teams per email)
____ What did you do today to provide your players the best football EXPERIENCE (see the email below – this is our WHY)
Refereeing at Ska’moog
Position yourself 20-25 yards downfield (opposite head ref)
#1 JOB – referee the GAME then take stats
On long plays – hold the spot for head ref
No cell phones, be in the GAME
Make CLEAR and assertive calls
ASK players to RESPECT the call, move on
2 feet in bounds, flag guarding, pass interference, illegal contact (holding player), block in back, illegal touching, HIPS not the ball are the spot